Lessons are to be paid for in advance by the month. Payment collection is done through auto pay from your checking acount or Visa/Mastercard credit card. Auto pay will occur on the 22nd of each month. You will receive a confirmation email on the 22nd of each month stating the amount you have paid. If any such electronic debit(s) should be returned by your financial institution as Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF), a returned item fee of $25.00 per item will be charged to your account. Please note that we are unable to hold a time slot without paid lessons credited to the slot. If a student misses a lesson for any reason, still the entire monthly lesson fee is collected. If you would like to discontinue taking lessons, we require that you give notice to Heather's Studio by the 17th of the month in order to discontinue the auto pay charge from occurring on the 22nd. No exceptions. No refunds or credits will be given
Students are expected to attend all lessons in a given month on their regular day and time slot scheduled. This time is reserved for you and you only. Missed lessons will not be made-up or rescheduled. No credits or refunds will be given for missed lessons. If you choose not to attend your lesson for ANY reason, your instructor's time still must be compensated. If a student misses their regularly scheduled lesson for two consecutive weeks or more, that student will be removed from that time slot. This policy helps us keep the quality of our instruction high and helps encourage students and parents to come into our program with a sense of commitment. In the event that the instructor is ill or on vacation, lessons will still be held and given by a qualified substitute instructor of equal ability. If the studio is closed due to holidays or any other reason, you will not be charged or expected to take the lessons missed
Please keep in mind that we make a commitment to providing quality instruction for all students. Learning an instrument is a lot of fun, but it also takes time, dedication, and practice. We strive to provide our students with every opportunity for success and we expect students and parents to have the same sense of commitment by attending lessons regularly and treating out teaching time with the same courtesy due any professional
The student will be given a lesson day and time that will be held at the same time every week. All lessons are 30 minute or 1 hour, one on one private sessions. Lessons will start and end promptly at the time they are scheduled. Please allow the time necessary to speak to your instructor or other preparations during your lesson time only. Please do not wait until the end of a lesson, as time may run over into another student's lesson time. If a student is late for a lesson, it will still end at the scheduled time
The rates for lessons are $37.50 per 30 minute session and $75.00 per hour session. We offer lesson times six days a week! If we do not have a day and time that works for you, we are happy to place you on a wait list for the day and time that is more convenient
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